High School

Developing Creative Leaders in our High School

In our high school, we focus on nurturing future leaders through a unique curriculum that emphasizes creative thinking, leadership, and real-world problem-solving. Our students are immersed in a dynamic environment that encourages innovation and critical analysis, tailoring their education to their passions and future aspirations. Through mentorship, advanced projects, and active community engagement, our high school program equips students with the skills and confidence needed for success in higher education, entrepreneurship, or their chosen career paths.

About our High School Program

Our High School curriculum offers a challenging and well-rounded educational experience that sparks their curiosity and encourages them to explore. We utilize the Common Core standards as well as college admissions requirements, and incorporate a variety of exceptional resources to ensure that our students receive a rigorous and engaging education that prepares them for success in high school and beyond.

Math & Science

Our high school math curriculum is crafted to be both engaging, comprehensive and accessible for students. We ensure that fundamental math concepts are presented in a relatable and practical manner, emphasizing their application in real-world scenarios. Our program encourages students to build strong foundational skills, while also offering advanced classes including Calculus.

Our science program is hands-on and exploratory, featuring studies in nature, lab experiments, and visits to renowned institutions like the Georgia Aquarium. This immersive approach cultivates a deep appreciation for scientific inquiry and critical thinking.

ELA & Social Studies

We focus on developing critical reading and writing skills through project-based learning. Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics including literature analysis, public speaking, and creative expression, preparing students for effective communication and analytical thinking across various fields.

Our social studies curriculum incorporates social justice and anti-racist perspectives, fostering understanding and empathy for diverse cultures and social issues. This includes discussions on equity, inclusion, and systemic racism, preparing students to be thoughtful and informed citizens.

Art, Music, Coding - Electives

We offer an extensive selection of electives in art, music, coding, and other creative disciplines.

In the arts, students engage with various mediums—ranging from painting and sculpture to digital art and photography. Field trips to local art museums and galleries are integral, offering students a deeper appreciation and understanding of both historical and contemporary art.

In music, our curriculum extends beyond performance to include detailed explorations into music production and sound engineering. Utilizing professional-grade software, students are able to compose, record, and edit their own tracks, providing them with hands-on experience in music technology.

Our coding and engineering electives introduces students to advanced programming languages and opportunities to make and build. These courses are designed to enhance problem-solving skills and digital literacy, preparing students for future careers in technology.

College & Career Coaching

Our college and career coaching at Lighthouse Prep equips students with strategic guidance for post-secondary success, starting from their freshman year. Coaches help students map out their educational journey, aligning coursework, internships, and extracurricular activities with their future aspirations.

In addition to traditional coaching, our curriculum features specialized Pathways classes in design, innovation, entrepreneurship, leadership, and professionalism. These courses are designed to build practical skills and critical thinking, preparing students to meet the challenges of the modern workforce.

Honors & College Credit

High school students have the opportunity to enroll in honors classes and college courses, earning credits that give them a head start in their post-secondary education.

Internships, Apprenticeships & Real World Skills

At Lighthouse Prep, we emphasize real-world application of skills through a robust program of internships, apprenticeships, and hands-on learning opportunities, supported by a flexible scheduling system. Our students can tailor their school days to integrate these practical experiences seamlessly with their academic responsibilities. Engaging in internships and apprenticeships allows students to apply classroom knowledge in professional settings, gain insights from experienced mentors, and build valuable networks.

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